Wednesday 30 March 2016

Animation Rig & Test

just something I have worked on today, it's only a test render hence why it's low resoultion, trying out the rig and see how well the mesh will animate. Edit:- Almost forgot, added a generic footstep for a bit of fun.

Tuesday 29 March 2016

Last Post Today

Recently Posed and Rendered a Turn table of my Executioner Omni Mech

This video is a little old but it shows off the model nicely these where both rendered in different version of 3DS max.

Art Dump Part 1

Ok so I havn't been able to access the blog for a while becasue google decided to change something. I managed to get it back a few weeks ago, so I'm going to do an art dump this is mostly to show off my best work and what i'm currently working on.

To Start off I'm going to dump my mechs which are the most recent W.I.P.

One of my personal favourites the Catapult. I Originally started modeling this to put into the Table Top Simulator  which took all of five minuetes to learn but unfortaunately due to the unusual method of importing a model to table top simulator (which requires pastebin) I decided to focus on modeling it for my own purposes.

Low Poly - Originally intended for Table top Simulator. the legs are going to be re-modeled to add a little more detail and make them less blocky.


High Poly - I'm currently in the process of making it into a high poly model which I intend to use as a test peice for substance painter.


Texture Maps - These are not the final texture maps, I'm simply baking these as test peices to learn substance painter.

Art Dump Part 2

Art Dump Part2

My All-time favourite Omni mech. the Warhawk. A little background behind this mesh. It is a pretty old model back from the day when I was on a multimedia course learning Lightwave 3D. I started modelling this in Lightwave 8 again this was when I was learning how to 3D model outside of college, and this is one of the 4 earlier Mech I modelled, once I started using 3DS max I decided to transfer the model there and continue working on it. It has been through several iteration in Lightwave and Max until now, this is the final mesh.

Low Poly- this is the final Low Poly Warhawk mesh, currently Variants peices are waiting to be UV maped, textured and rigged

High Poly - this is the most recent iteration, I' currently cleaning up an older high poly mesh getting ready to bake map.

Texture Maps- The Diffuse is Still a W.I.P but this is the most uptodate version of the current texture, right now I'm working on the high poly to bake maps to use on this.


Art Dump Part 3

Part 3 Art Dump

The Firemoth I started this one a while back, admitidly I got bogged down with this. I wanted to experiment with the Arch & Design material in 3DS max. Right now the firemoth is waiting for a new material, High Poly, normal map, ambient occlusion map, pose and animations.

Low Poly - The firemoth was to be used for Unreal 4, to learn how to import a model with a righ and some basic animations. The Mech is fully rigged which again bogged me down, mostly because of the unusual arm design.

Texture Map - Basic defuse map, I have a specualr map ready, but due to a backup, they are currently missplaced on one of many hard drives.


Art Dump Part 4

Last Art dump today.

These are mostly learning/side projects that im doing every now and then.

Learning World Machine this is one of my favourite terrains that i made using the demo version, the texture and emsh is fairly low resolution due to it being a demo version of the program.

Kodiak Class Starship inspired by Star Trek, becasue I'm a huge trk fan, I designed this during my multimedia course, but have recently decided to expand upon it. I have added lots of details since the original version. when complete the Mesh will be used to learn space scene lighting.

Class 08 Shunter this was created for Source engine, originally it was to be part of a Left 4 Dead map class project which unfortunately was cancled. i have been updating it over the years the current version is awaiting a new UV map.

Mech Hangar - This is a layout for a Colaberation with a friend of mine, basically we want to create a battlemech hangar and get it into unreal 4, so far the project is in the early stages of research and layout design.