Thursday 7 February 2013

Merseybus Leyland National MKI

so i picked up an old model that i hadn't completed mainly due to demoralization after the first version of it was destroyed along with half my other work on my old C Drive. anyway i pciked this one up becasue i felt like a change in modeling mechs, i'm still working on them however.

here she is, the Leyland National MKI with Merseybus Livery and the 15 Parr Route. this is all a work in progess, the mesh has been complete for a few days and i decided to move onto unwrapping and texturing it. so far there are only 3 texture on the mesh, i will be working on more soon but for the time being i felt that using materials in max would help block out the basic look and i could get some nice renders from it for my portfolio work.


With Pod
Diffrent Angel