Tuesday 20 March 2012

Look Familiar?

well it should...

just a little side thing ive got going, just trying to get more into modeling envrioments.

p.s its the alley way from Silent Hill...

Monday 19 March 2012


ok the legs where bogging me down so i decided to move else where and started cariving into the arms, the arms are not 100% true to the TRO image, i have altered them a little bit to look a tab more shapely, although its still angular i also decided to add a sort of brace to give it a logical reason to why and how the laser pods are attached to the mechs arm enjoy the image more to come soon

Tuesday 6 March 2012


ok Exceutioners legs make very little sense, there is no logical way that this mech could actualy walk theres too many obstructions. im trying to work arrounnd it and hopefuly trying not to be to destructive to the orignaly TRO art work. heres what i have so far.