Saturday 31 May 2014

small update

A small update today, i have been playing around with reflections and added some small details the the Prime Dire Wolf. will do the same for the other 2 variants this weekend.

Friday 30 May 2014

Dire Wolves...

got round to modeling some omni pods for the dire wolf started with Prime A and B.

Prime. nice weapons array.

Alt con A nice long rang set up.

Alt Con B  AKA destroyer of game balance...


Thursday 29 May 2014

just a couple of WIP

not updated for a bit, thought id sling these 2 images up that I'm working on. I'm putting the crab on hold for a while i work out some designs for the arms.

these where both modeled years ago using Lightwave 3D i have decided to bring them back, give them a clean up and adding some better detail, as well as unwrapping and texturing the two.

Dire Wolf

 Right now the Dire Wolf's lower arms head and lower side torsos have been re modeled, the new mesh is a lot cleaner then the original which helping with the cockpit detail. the lower arms have been cleaned up and getting ready for some minor details as well as the weapon points.

the warhawk has seen much more extensive re-modeling and cleaning, the torso lower arms legs and feet are completely new mesh. since both mechs share the same leg design these changes where added to the dire wolf.