Tuesday 29 March 2016

Art Dump Part 4

Last Art dump today.

These are mostly learning/side projects that im doing every now and then.

Learning World Machine this is one of my favourite terrains that i made using the demo version, the texture and emsh is fairly low resolution due to it being a demo version of the program.

Kodiak Class Starship inspired by Star Trek, becasue I'm a huge trk fan, I designed this during my multimedia course, but have recently decided to expand upon it. I have added lots of details since the original version. when complete the Mesh will be used to learn space scene lighting.

Class 08 Shunter this was created for Source engine, originally it was to be part of a Left 4 Dead map class project which unfortunately was cancled. i have been updating it over the years the current version is awaiting a new UV map.

Mech Hangar - This is a layout for a Colaberation with a friend of mine, basically we want to create a battlemech hangar and get it into unreal 4, so far the project is in the early stages of research and layout design.



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